videoconverter,magicvid,burn dvd,freecat software          ,video,vcd
  Kaptain Script


########## MagicVideo 0.1 ##########
      ### Freecat Software ###
  ### 3/22/2005 by Erik Fletcher ###
#####  Requires: Kaptain                                                                         ########
#####  Depends: Mplayer/mencoder---tovid---cdrecord---mkisofs---growisofs--vcdimager             ########
#####                                                                                            ########
#####!!!!!!!Dont forget to change the burner device and home directory to match your path!!!!!!!!########

start "MagicVideo" -> magicvideo ;
magicvideo :tabbed -> main tab2 tab3 tab4;

#start tab1 main convert
main :framed "Convert Video Files" ->descr media aspect opts file outfile buttons;
descr :horizontal -> title pic;
title -> @text ("CONVERT FILES TO BURN TO A VCD OR DVD ");
pic -> @icon("/home/freecat/Art/System Art/linux icons/fredhead1.png");
media :horizontal "Format to convert to" -> p1 | ! p2 ;
file "File to convert" -> @infile("");
 p1 "VCD" -> "vcd";
 p2 "DVD" -> "dvd";
aspect :horizontal "Aspect Ratio" -> ! b1 | b2 ;
 b1 "Full Screen" -> "full";
 b2 "Wide Screen" -> "wide";
 opts :horizontal "Other Options" -> c1 | c2 ;
 c1 "Force encode" -> "-force";
 c2 "Do not force encode" -> " ";
outfile "Output to" -> @outfile("");
buttons :horizontal -> convert close;
convert -> @action(cmd)="CONVERT";
close -> @close="QUIT";
cmd -> "tovid -"media" -"aspect" "opts" /"file" /"outfile" ";

#start tab2 iso
tab2 :framed "Make .Iso Image" -> descr2 pic2 title2 filein file2b file2a buttons2;
descr2 :horizontal ->title2 pic2;
pic2 -> @icon("/home/freecat/Art/System Art/linux icons/fredhead1.png");
filein "Folder to convert to dvd-video.iso" -> @directory("");
file2a "Output File" -> @outfile("");
file2b "File to convert to Bin/Cue" -> @infile("");
buttons2 :horizontal "Iso Type"-> dvdiso bincue fileiso close2;
dvdiso ->@action(cmda)="DVD-VIDEO";
bincue ->@action(cmd2b)="VCD BIN/CUE";
fileiso ->@action(cmd2a)="FILE";
close2 -> @close="QUIT";
cmda -> "mkisofs -dvd-video -o /"file2a"  /"filein"  ";
cmd2a ->"mkisofs -o /"file2a" /"filein" ";
cmd2b ->"vcdimager  -t vcd2 -c /"file2a".cue -b /"file2a".bin --volume-count=0 --volume-number=0 /"file2b" ";

#start tab3 burn
tab3 :framed "Burn" -> descr1 pic1 title1 file1 file1a buttons1;
descr1 :horizontal ->title1 pic1;
title1 -> @text ("BURN VIDEO FILES TO DVD OR VCD");
pic1 -> @icon("/home/freecat/Art/System Art/linux icons/fredhead1.png");
file1 "Enter a Vcd-cue file or Dvd-video .iso file to burn" -> @infile("");
file1a :horozontal "Direct CD Copy" -> rip burndisk ;
rip ->@action(cmd4)="RIP DISK";
burndisk->@action(cmd5)="BURN DISK";
buttons1 :horizontal "Burn" -> burndvd burnvcd  close1;
burndvd ->@action(cmd1)="BURN DVD";
burnvcd ->@action(cmdvcd)="BURN VCD";
close1 -> @close="QUIT";
cmd1 -> " growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/hdd="file1" ";
cmdvcd -> "cdrecord dev=/dev/hdd speed=8 -v -dao -eject cuefile=/"file1" ";
cmd4 -> "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=MagicVideoCdimage.iso";
cmd5 -> " cdrecord dev=/dev/hdd speed=8 -eject -isosize /home/freecat/MagicVideoCdimage.iso";

#start tab4 about
tab4 :framed "About" ->@text("Magic Video\n\nVersion 1.0\n\Freecat Software\n\n(c) copyright 2005 Erik Fletcher");